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El Dorado Home Wine Making Website - Home Wine Making Information and Wine Recipes

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crushing Grapes at Gar Harman's Vineyard
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Back to Fruit Wine Recipes

Banana Wine (5 Gallons)

15 Lbs. Bananas, fresh or 40 oz Dried
Cups Chopped Light Raisins or 20 oz Grape Concentrate
35 Pts. Water
11¼ Lbs. Sugar
15 Tsp. Acid Blend
Tsp. Tannin
5 Tsp. Nutrient
1 Vial Champagne Yeast (White Labs WLP715)

Starting S.G. 1.095

1. Slice bananas and skins, put into nylon straining bag and tie. In 7½ qts. water bring to boil, then, simmer for ½ hour.
2. Remove pulp, pour hot liquour over sugar in primary fermentor, and mix thoroughly.
3. Stir in remainder of water (cold) and all other ingredients. Add yeast when cool enough (85° or lower). Cover primary.
4. Stir daily, check S.G.
5. When ferment reaches S.G. 1.040 (3-5 days) strain out and sypon wine off sediment into 6.5 gallon glass carboy secondary. Attach airlock.
6. When ferment is complete (S.G. has reached 1.000 - about 3 weeks) siphon of sediment into clean 5.0 gallon glass carboy secondary. Reattach airlock.
7. Sypon again in 2 months and again if necessary until clear before bottling.

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