5 lb. mangolds
1 gallon water
3 lb. sugar
2 lemons
2 oranges
Yeast and nutrient
Wash the marigolds but do not peel. Cut into pieces and boil until tender. Strain, and to every gallon of liquor add sugar and rinds of oranges and lemons (avoid the white pith) as above, and boil for 20 minutes. Allow the liquor to cool, and add the juice of the oranges and lemons. Stir in the yeast (a general purpose wine yeast or a level teaspoonful of granulated yeast) and leave in a warm place, well covered, for about a week. Then stir, transfer to fermenting battle or jar, and fit fermentation trap.
When the wine clears, rack it off with a siphon into a clean storage vessel. Keep it for another six months in a cool place, then bottle.